By Cynthia Zanti Jabs
How is it the air at dawn looks so orange now?
Is it all the pumpkins? The ‘pumpkin spice’ that spills into everything? The almost brown leaves hanging on for one last wave?
Maybe our eyes so filter out all the blue to come that its opposite is all we see. Or maybe Mother Earth knows that first light might be too much for us. She mercifully softens the edges with a warm glow. So its cut-to-the-chase clarity won’t make us wince. Or forget to keep. On. Breathing.

Cyntha Zanti Jabs L.Ac. is a longtime practitioner of Acupuncture and Qi Gong at Ruscombe. She is resuming her ‘Healing with the Seasons’ blog this month. Earlier blogs can be found under the Blog tab in the main menu.