Welcome to the Ruscombe Mansion Community Health Center
The Ruscombe Mansion serves as a central healing location where high-quality, noninvasive, holistic and traditional methods of healing are offered in a lush homelike community setting.
The Ruscombe Mansion Community Health Center was founded in 1984 by Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus as one of the first collectives of its kind, a central healing location for high-quality, noninvasive, holistic and traditional methods of healing.
Since the 1960s and 1970s, when Ruscombe was home to the AUM Esoteric Study Center and meditation school and peaceful living commune called Savitria, the Ruscombe Mansion has served as a hub of connection for individuals to learn more about themselves, find their purpose in life, and participate in service to their neighborhood.

Who comes to Ruscombe?
People of all ages participate in Ruscombe’s health care services, educational programs, referral services, and free support groups. Everyone who comes to Ruscombe is encouraged to take part in their own recovery and maintenance of health. The quality of skills and the love that the practitioners bring to their healing practices enhance each individual’s goal toward wellness.
Ruscombe Offers Expertise
Ruscombe practitioners are all certified and licensed in their individual fields of expertise and are chosen for their dedication to service to the community. Over the years, Ruscombe practitioners have served as mentors, introducing doctors-in-training and medical residents to the complimentary healing arts. Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland have regularly sent medical students to Ruscombe for introductory sessions.
Ruscombe practitioners offer treatments in Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Massage, Rolfing ®, Stress Management, Herbal and Flower Remedies, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Yoga and more. We also offer educational programs, referral services and support groups.

Ruscombe Offers Education
The Ruscombe Mansion is a multi-purpose neighborhood community center featuring programs in holistic healing, movement and exercise systems, meditation, education and inspirational guidance. A growing attention to community wellness has developed programs in Culinary Medicine, Mental Health, a Medicinal Garden, and a meditative Nature Trail.
Rental Spaces for Activities
In addition to leasing professional offices for healers in private practice, Ruscombe offers comfortable conference rooms (seating up to 50), spacious halls for movement classes, attached kitchens, audio visual equipment, and free parking. Conveniently located near the Interstate, fine hotels and natural foods market. Daily and hourly rates available, reservations and deposit required.

Environmental Health
Ruscombe is committed to maintaining a healthy, self-sustaining community of resident species. We maintain the Ruscombe lawns and plantings without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. We compost most garden wastes and return them to our soil. We control pests that threaten our plants with manual hygiene and applications of naturally occurring plant and bacterial substances. Occasionally, harmful plants such as poison ivy may be removed with limited applications of household-grade products marketed for that purpose. See our programming page for the developing sustainable energy program at Ruscombe.
Egyptian Meditation Room
With a duplicate of King Tut’s throne chair and murals painted by Bob Hieronimus in 1970, this room is maintained as a healing meditation space for individuals who wish to reserve it. Viewing and client use is available during office hours only and by appointment.