Sometimes it is Necessary To Revise Your Dreams In order To Enjoy Your Reality.
-the anonymous ginger poet who eats whatever I make (even when it isn’t tacos)
And sometimes, the first apples of late summer are not the sweetest. The Honeycrisps bite. Those Earligolds are a bit…Early. So, to ground and sweeten up those early apples, another awesome recipe from Sue V., with tinkering by microwave-less me.
We all hope you are enjoying the late summer and wish you a happy, healthy, Safe September. We made it! Let’s keep keeping on:)
Steph & Connie & Sue, too
Quick “Baked” Apples
Remove core from 2 apples, leaving a small bit at the stem end so they are not entirely hollow. Peel the outer skin halfway down each apple. Chop up 2 T raisins, 2 T walnuts, 2 T dates. Combine with 1 T butter (or non-dairy butter) and spoon mixture into apple centers.
Whisk together 1 t cornstarch, 3/4 t cinnamon, and 3/4 c apple juice. Put the stuffed apples on a pie plate or micro-safe dish and pour the liquid over the apples.
Microwave for 10-12 min, until tender when poked with a knife. Spoon juices over apples, and top with yogurt, creme fraiche, or non-dairy creaminess – (here’s looking at you, coconut cream;)
Slow Baked Apples
Oven @ 350
Cut 4 apples into wedges. (Include core if you like eating the core. I still find it a bit strange. Connie likes it. You do you.) Put those wedges in an 8 x 8 baking dish. Sprinkle with any nut/seed/dried fruit combo – Like 1/2 c pecan and 1/4 currants.Heat 1/2 c apple cider or juice or even water, 1-2 T maple syrup, 2 t fresh grated ginger, and 2 t lemon juice, for 2-3 min. Pour that liquid over the apples. Sprinkle with a bit of nutmeg or pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon.
Cover the top with a sheet or aluminum and bake for 45 min… read a few chapters, check your email, water the garden, drink some tea…Until the apples are soft and the kitchen smells amazing. Eat now, or preheat and stick under the broiler for a minute to caramelize the tops.Serve with those juices and something creamy.