If there is a lot going on, and we feel on top of it, we might feel exhilarated, challenged, interested, joyful. We usually talk about feeling stressed when more is going on than we can comfortably deal with, or when there’s a sense of danger that we can’t get on top of. What are some ways of experiencing or restoring a sense of well-being, in our minds and bodies, even while we have to cope, or when things are not going well?
Here are some suggestions: First, commit to becoming less stressed. Decide this is a priority and you’re going to do it. Second, start small. Don’t make stress management activities burdensome (that is, stressful). Unless, of course, you’re the kind of person who likes to dive in and do more. Third, decide whether you want to reduce stress on your own and/or whether you want to have outside guidance, classes, activities. Fourth, pick something to do that is pleasurable, not a chore, that you want to make part of your lifestyle. Fifth, problem-solve the sources of your stress.