Ruscombe Garden Club
Want to Join or have Questions?
Greetings Planty Friends, and welcome to the Ruscombe Garden Club!
Open to anyone with a love of plants, you can come and go as desired to our twice monthly gatherings. We meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Ruscombe Mansion at 10:00 am for talking, sharing, workshops, gardening speakers, etc. We’ll also zoom these meetings for those who can’t make it. We plan to arrange a couple of off-site garden tours, as well, to check out various horticultural sites.
On the 4th Saturday of each month, we meet at 10:00 am on the south lawn of the Mansion (the side with the goldfish pond) to get our hands dirty. We’ll create and plant beds, propagate, tend our medicinal plant border and more.

In 2023 we got off to a great start, then lost some mojo stumbling over weather and communications fumbles. We did, however, make a lot of new friends, started our garden club library, set up our first two raised veggie beds, planted a fig tree and berry canes, and collected and planted a number of native shrubs and plants. We also managed to move and replant a few very large shrubs to better locations on the grounds, and got a very good start on our medicinal herb garden, which promises to come into its own this coming summer!
Upcoming Events

2024 Meeting Dates
April 13 – Meeting
April 25 – Working Day
May 11 – Meeting
May 25 – Working Day
June 8 – Meeting
June 22 – Working Day
July 13 – Meeting
July 27 – Working Day
August 10 – Meeting
August 24 – Working Day
September 14 – Meeting
September 28 – Working Day
October 12 – Meeting
October 26 – Working Day
November 9 – Meeting
November 23 – Working Day
December 14 – Meeting

Studies have shown gardening is so good for your health that it can be more effective than walking and other light exercise in protecting against cognitive decline. Because it is light exercise combined with the natural elements, gardening enhances self esteem and alters the heart rate and blood pressure, lowers stress, and is associated with increased longevity.
The Garden Club is open to anyone with a love of plants.
No green-thumb required!
For questions or suggestions, email Summer Cullen at