Shiatsu/Integrative Bodywork
Stress Reduction
(443) 610-9881
Shiatsu is a gentle but deep touch therapy based in Chinese medicine that promotes healing and wellness. Integrative bodywork means that I combine Shiatsu with a variety of other holistic practices, using whatever approach would be helpful or needed in each session. My work aims to encourage your settling into yourself, experiencing yourself on a deeper level, and finding positive pathways to relaxation, healing, growth, and transformation.
People seek Shiatsu for deep relaxation, dealing with stress, feeling “more like themselves,” a deepening sense of self, support dealing with physical illness, increasing awareness of body-oriented experience, energy balancing to promote growth and health.
People seek Shiatsu for a greater sense of well-being, clarity, feeling centered, integrated and embodied, energized and at peace; greater awareness of experience, both positive and uncomfortable; fewer physical and psychological stress-related symptoms, like headaches, digestive problems, muscle tension, anxiety, fatigue; relief from muscle tension and stiffness, experience of pain; support with physical illness by encouraging better sleep, rest, energy, balance, feeling of well-being; support the ability of the body to heal itself; support journeys to greater self-knowledge and development. Special interest in women’s issues.
What Is Shiatsu?
Shiatsu is a touch therapy based in Chinese medicine that promotes healing and wellness. A basic idea in Chinese medicine is that in a healthy body a vital energy called chi (or qi or ki) flows freely and abundantly along pathways called meridians. If energy is out of balance, this is experienced as dis-ease and ultimately can result in disease. Another basic idea is that the mind, body, and spirit form a whole: what happens in one is intimately tied to what happens in the others. The goal of Shiatsu sessions is to encourage the balanced flow of chi, which is experienced by the receiver as feelings of deep relaxation, physical well-being, wholeness, balance, and greater awareness of experience both positive and uncomfortable. When energy is balanced, the body can follow its natural impulse to heal itself. This balancing is achieved through touch.
What is Integrative Bodywork?
Integrative Bodywork combines Shiatsu with other holistic therapies to provide you with an experience that works best for your needs. The sessions might include techniques from Shiatsu Shin Tai, and also from Zero Balancing, myofascial massage, mindfulness meditation, imagery, breathwork, or other practices. Conversation is also possible to clarify concerns, problem-solve, or facilitate planning. Paula’s role is that of a facilitator, educator, and consultant.
Receivers have commented that my touch is intuitive, sensitive, and communicates a sense of safety. At the same time, I also think strategically and analytically about how best to work.
What is a session like?
During the session, you lie on a treatment table fully clothed. I touch points on the pathways of chi energy and other important locations, and I gently move your limbs and other parts of your body. Everyone has a different experience, and every session can be different. The sessions can cultivate a shared attitude of attentiveness, even of meditation, and heightened awareness of experience. Feeling relaxed, energized, solid, clear, groggy, or tired are all common. Some people have images, memories, emotions, or thoughts. The sessions should not be painful; however, there may be discomfort or sensitivity from sore muscles, a sensitive energy pathway, or increased awareness.
Who is Paula Derry?
I am a graduate of the Ohashi Institute, where I trained to be a practitioner of Ohashiatsu, a variant of Shiatsu, and was a Certified Ohashiatsu Consultant. I have extensive workshop training in Shiatsu Shin Tai and training in Reichian work, Zero Balancing, Qi Gong, imagery work, problem solving, and breathwork, and I am a licensed massage therapist. My original bodywork training was a certificate program in Esalen massage and eclectic bodywork at the Gefion School in Berkeley, California, in the late 1970s.
I was for many years a research health psychologist. While my hands-on practice is bodywork, not psychology, my background in health and clinical psychology informs my understanding of my bodywork practice.
How do I schedule a session?
Contact me at paula.derry@gmail.com or (443) 610-9881.
Please pay at the end of the session, either cash or check.
Cancellation Policy: Please give at least 24 hours notice before a cancellation, or you will be expected to pay for the session you miss. Thanks.