R.Ph., M.Ac.
Kim is a practitioner of Classical Five Element Acupuncture (CF-EA) one of the oldest systems of medicine. Five Element Acupuncture was first recorded in the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine also known as the Nei Ching, which was written around 100 BC. Classical Five Element Acupuncture treats the root cause of the energetic imbalance by inserting needles into pathways of Qi (pronounced Chee) also known as acupuncture points.
Qi is the vital life force that flows throughout the body within fourteen special pathways called meridians. The goal of treatment is to restore balance within the meridians, to restore health of the person on all levels of body, mind, and spirit. You can learn more about Classical Five Element Acupuncture at http://www.worsleyinsitute.org

Peace and Good Health.
Kim brings a unique talent to treatment with over 30 years of experience in healthcare and wellness as a Clinical Specialist in Pharmacy, Nutrition, and an Acupuncturist since 1997.
Kim’s goal has been to integrate the best of eastern and western medicine for the optimum benefit to patients. He holds degrees in Acupuncture and Pharmacy, with an Advanced Bachelors in Acupuncture from College of Traditional Acupuncture, England, Master of Acupuncture from the Academy of Five Element Acupuncture and on going training in the CFEA, Master Apprentice Program (MAP), of which he was a member of the original MAP groups.