Jeannine Olson, M.A., M.S. is a Certified Advanced Rolfer and a Rolf Movement Practitioner. She is also a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.
Her practice focuses on releasing old patterns which limit freedom in the body, the psyche, and the nervous system.
In addition to being certified as an Advanced Rolfer, a Rolf Movement Practitioner, a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and being Licensed as a Clinical Professional Counselor, she has received training in cranial sacral therapy, visceral manipulation, and neural mobilization. She has also trained in EMDR. Her most recent training include “Neural Mobilization for the Shoulder and Pelvic Girdles,” Neural Mobilization Relating the Peripheral and Neuromeningeal Fascias,” “Neural, Visceral and Energetic Integration,” and “Rolfing and Trauma.”
Some of her most recent training in Somatic Experiencing includes, “Somatic Resilience and Regulation after Early Trauma,” “Master Class: Emotions, Memory and Trauma,” and “Master Class: Complex Syndromes.” She has also completed a year long training with Stan Tatkin in the PACT method of Couples Therapy which incorporates nervous system regulation in the healing of interpersonal conflict.
She works at the University of Maryland at the Center for Integrative Medicine where she uses her diverse background to help heal physical problems such as low back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, repetitive stress pain, and the sequelae of accidents and injuries.
Contact Jeannine at 443-799-1330 for an appointment.