RYT 500, LMT
Website: www.SoulTouchTherapies.com
Alden has been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 2006 when she received her massage certification from the Holistic Massage Training Institute in Baltimore, MD. She is nationally certified in therapeutic massage and bodywork through NCBTMB as well as a member of the American Massage Therapy Association. Alden began her massage practice in a private office. From 2008-2011 she was co-owner and director of Evolvewell Healing Arts Studio located in Roland Park, where she maintained a bodywork practice and taught weekly yoga classes to both adults and children. Currently she is a volunteer massage therapist at Joy Wellness, a holistic wellness center attached to Shepherd’s Clinic in Baltimore City. Alden is a 500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher offering group, corporate, and private therapeutic yoga. She is also a co-facilitator of the Wise Heart Community which meets weekly at Ruscombe Community Healing Center.
Alden has been practicing various styles of hatha yoga since 1998. Her earliest yogic influences where from teachers in the Iyengar, Anusara, and Integrative Yoga Therapy styles. In 2007 Alden completed her 200-hour Integrative Yoga Therapy teacher certification at yama studio in Baltimore. She continued her training at yama and completed her 500-hour Yama Therapeutics certification in 2009. Since 2010 Alden has traveled annually to the Sivananda Ashram in Rikhiapeeth, India as well as the Bihar Yoga University in Munger, where she studied various meditation techniques and experienced ashram living. She was inspired by the teachings of Paramahansa Satyananda Saraswati and the therapeutic approach of Satyananda Yoga® from the Bihar School of Yoga. In 2011 she was initiated as a karma sannyasin in the Saraswati lineage and given the spiritual name “Shambhavi”. Alden/Shambhavi follows the teachings of her guru, Paramahansa Niranjanananda Saraswati. She has completed Yogic Studies 1-2 and Teacher Training 1 at the Yoga Academy of North America.
Alden loves playing with the complementary elements of bodywork and yoga. She often incorporates many of her yogic philosophies and breath work into her bodywork sessions and uses her knowledge of anatomy and physiology to aid with correct alignment in yoga postures. Her philosophy in her practice is to address specific problem areas while revitalizing the entire being, promoting mind-body awareness, and allowing space for healing to occur. She dedicates her work to the education and empowerment of both her clients and students to help them improve upon their own wellness.
Reiki Energy Work
Reiki Bodywork is a Japanese hands-on healing system that works with the human energy bio-field. Reiki is practiced through loose, comfortable clothing. It is administered with a light touch of the practitioner’s hands upon various parts of the recipient’s body, in a pattern that promotes optimum energy balancing and enhances the natural self-healing processes. Reiki accelerates healing of physical injuries, discomforts, and diseases. It often significantly lessens physical pain and emotional stress.
For more information or to make an appointment www.soultouchtherapies.com