Part 1: Springtime – Navigating the Winds of Change
Starts February 24, 2020
Cynthia Zanti Jabs, L.Ac., has taught and written about “Healing with the Seasons” for two decades. In 2020, she will offer a series of five mini-courses to introduce seasonally oriented Qi Gong practices at Ruscombe.
For practitioners, these breathing and movement practices are useful tools for both self-care and to teach clients in support of their treatments – and a fun way to earn CEU’s! For beginners, they provide safe and beneficial ways to explore and cultivate the movement of qi in and around them. All will leave each class with several usable practices related to the upcoming season. Those who complete the entire series of five mini-courses will take away a collection of practices to benefit all of the major organ systems.
The first three-class course will include basic qi building tools, simple clearing practices (for toxins, allergens and ’wind’) and movements to increase flexibility for healthy Springtime growth and movement. All of these help us shift gears from our weary Winter selves to our pro-active Spring selves.
Times/Days: Each “Healing With the Seasons Qi Gong” course
will meet for three 90-minute classes (4.5 hours total)
on consecutive Monday evenings or Wednesday mornings.
Location: Ruscombe Mansion Community Health Center,
in the Hill House studio, accessible from the parking lot
Cost: $120 for each three-class course
– or –
$500 for the entire 5-course series of fifteen classes (22.5 hours total)
*Scholarships are available*
Credits: Cynthia Zanti Jabs is certified to teach continuing education by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and application for Professional Development Activity credits (PDA’s) is pending for these classes.
Spring classes will meet:
7-8:30 pm Mondays, February 24, March 2 & 9, and
10-11:30 am Wednesdays, February 26, March 4 &11
Subsequent courses will be offered each Season (same days/times) beginning on:
May 4 (Summer)
July 13 (Late Summer)
September 14 (Autumn) and
November 9 (Winter)
For more information about ‘Healing with the Seasons,’
go to Ruscombe.org or email CZJabs@comcast.net
To register: Call Mary George at 410-367-7300
Qi Gong has been called the “Physical Therapy” of East Asian Healing Arts.
Only you get to cultivate your mind and spirit along with your body
“Ancient Healing for Modern Ills”