This is a peer-education group open to any holistic health practitioner who wants to talk with practitioners in their own and other modalities, including massage therapists and bodyworkers, acupuncturists, energy workers, holistic physicians, holistic psychotherapists, and others. The purpose of the group is skill-building, sharing information and experiences, and discovering methods we can use to develop ourselves and support each other. Each meeting will begin with a brief experiential exercise, followed by a presentation. The group will meet monthly.
Self-cultivation and Self-care Strategies for Practitioners
At our first Practitioners’ Discussion Group, we’ll focus on what we do for ourselves to help us tend our clients.
Experienced practitioners develop many different self-care practices to support the work of tending others. Over time, we each find ways of clearing our heads, hearts, and bodies to start our day. We find ways to right our balance after unexpected challenges and give our immune system a boost when we need it. Sometimes these practices begin with our initial training in our specialty. Often they don’t. We learn from others along the way and evolve our own practices over time as we see what works for us.
Autumn is a great time to hone whatever practices support us in our work. So we have tools that will serve all thru the Winter, even when we’re short on time or low on energy.
Cynthia Zanti Jabs has spent several years developing what she calls ‘Stop Light ReCreation.’
These are simple movement and breathing practices that:
• Can be done sitting or standing, in a group or alone,
• Reliably connect us with renewable energy sources and
• Take no longer than the turn of a traffic light – or the turn-around between clients!
This presentation will focus on practices specific to the needs of people doing close-in, holistic healing work. Participants will learn several key cultivation tools. The presentation will be practical and interactive.
A discussion of these and other forms of self-cultivation for practitioners will follow.
We will meet at Ruscombe’s Hill House Conference Room, 4801 Yellowwood Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21209. The cost is $5.00 to cover expenses. To RSVP or for more information about the Forum, contact Paula Derry: or 443-610-9881
Cynthia Zanti Jabs, L.Ac. is a longtime practitioner of Chinese Medicine, including the movement practices known as Qi Gong (‘Chee Gung’). She currently practices Acupuncture and Medical Qi Gong at Ruscombe Mansion. She has taught Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong at Johns Hopkins Medical School, the Maryland University of Integrative Health, the Community College of Baltimore County and neighborhood groups.