Cynthia Zanti Jabs, L.Ac. says “Online consults have made it abundantly clear that shifting painful patterns can happen without hands on contact.” So she’s excited to start teaching online this month! She is currently offering ‘Heart Healing Qi Gong Practices,’ a series of three weekly classes of Summer/Heart related movements and meditation.
Heart Healing Qi Gong: Movement and meditation practices drawn from ancient Asian Healing Arts to restore heart health this Summer (three weekly 90 minute online classes) taught by Cynthia Zanti Jabs, L.Ac. Summer is the most healing of all seasons for our tender hearts. And given all the blows of this past Winter and Spring, we want to make the best possible use of this Summer season! In these three weekly classes, students will learn practices from ancient Asian Healing arts that specifically touch our heart.
These gentle movement and meditation practices offer small ways to gradually restore and strengthen our heart. They are great for both for beginning and experienced practitioners. Helpful for self care and also for practitioners to teach clients. The three classes will address, in turn, physical, mental and spiritual aspects of heart healing. As our hearts recover from heart aching (or breaking!) injuries we experience better blood circulation, less anxiety and more joy.
These 90 minute classes will be live-streamed at 7-8:30 Monday and 10-11:30 Wednesdays during the first three weeks of June. PDA’s (4.5 hours) are available for acupuncture practitioners.
For more information or to register for either class go to Healing-with-the-Seasons@teachable.com