People feel stressed when too much is going on to comfortably deal with or they feel a sense of anxiety/danger. The key to stress management is creating a sense that you are on top of things and that it’s okay to relax. What are some good ways to get started dealing with stress? …
The Power of Losing Weight
Recently I visited family and friends in Switzerland and Italy. It was a true vacation: great company, great food, great weather, and great scenery. I returned to Baltimore with new energy and 4 more pounds of–no, not luggage–body weight. This did dampen my spirit a little considering the already annoying extra pounds that have piled up around my waist after andropause. Therefore I decided to lose weight. …
A Memory Aid for Stroke First Aid – “F.A.S.T.”
Some of the most important items in your First Aid kit* are mental tricks. Practicing the ability to stay calm and rational will aid you in any emergency. Here is a new memory trick to help you save a life if you suspect someone near you is having a stroke. Response time is extremely important with a stroke, and a delay can mean the difference between full recovery and severe brain damage. …
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The Three Environments
We hear daily news about global warming, natural and man-made disasters affecting our environment. How can we live a healthy life in an ever more polluted environment? We feel enraged but powerless. Where should we start to clean up? What about where we have control: Inside and around the house: get rid of chemicals, clutter, recycle, etc? Then we are ready to clean up the next environment, our internal environment: the body’s pH, oxidative …