Enrollment is open for Spring Qi Gong Classes. Also known as ‘Springtime Medicinal Movement and Meditation Practices.’ A quick and easy DIY ‘Tune-up' for our Liver/Detox functions. Classes start the first week of March. Three one hour classes, Mon PM or Wed AM. Live online presentations. Cynthia Zanti Jabs, L.Ac will present time-honored, simple practices to get things moving without strains or sprains this Spring. Flex and flow to clear out …
On the Approach of Winter
Snapshots and excited Facebook posts from far-flung friends remind me that in many parts of the country early winter has made her presence known. There will be plenty of time for complaining about interminable grey days and icy weather later in the season...Right now it's all about when will we wake up to lovely soft white landscapes and that special blessing the silence of a snow fall brings.
Some believe that …
Catching our Breath at the Edge – The Awesome Drop of Autumn
By Cynthia Zanti Jabs, L.Ac.
Autumn is Lung Season in Asian Healing Arts. Doesn't it feel like we all REALLY need to catch our breath right about now??
Three online classes this September will offer practices to expand, enhance and fine tune our lung function. To help us recover from insults and injury. And make the most of healing gifts that only …
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Postcards from the Cafe…July 2020: Peaches!
Each Peach
And Stone,
A Universe
Unto Her Own.
The amazing anonymous ginger poet,
with a freshly baked a poem today
Peaches! We got to go peach picking for the first time last season, and the orchard in my meditations all year has smelled exactly like that day. This season we’ve been out to …
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Longevity Center Expands Women’s Health Screening Offerings
Digital infrared thermal imaging for women, offered quarterly at Ruscombe Mansion by The Longevity Center, is one of our more popular health screening services. Now we're pleased to announce they have expanded their screenings to include, along with breast imaging and evaluation, the head, neck, trunk and abdominal regions.
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