Note: Event moved to March 2
Peace Pole Dedication at Ruscombe Mansion on International Day of Peace September 21st 12 noon
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND September 21, 2024 – The Peace and Wellness Festival, a collaboration between Ruscombe Community, Inc. and The Center for Spiritual LivingTM Greater Baltimore, will dedicate a Peace Pole on the grounds of Ruscombe Mansion on Saturday, September 21, 2024, in honor of the International Day of Peace. The public is invited to a dedication ceremony, which will begin at …
Saturday, September 23, 2023 11am - 1 pm An "Art to Dine For" benefit for the Creative Alliance of Baltimore Participants ushered in the Autumnal Equinox by soaking in a late morning Qi Gong session led by Diana Keener. Next they learned about the surprising benefits of everyday items in your spice cabinet, the medicine in your food, and how to up your diet’s nutrition factor with Dr. Shari M. Youngblood DCN, CNS, LDN, Professor …
Be The Needle: A Practitioner’s Journey
by Diana Keener, LAc When I was in acupuncture school more than twenty years ago, we were told that this brilliant form of energetic medicine can have profound effects beyond the mere elimination of unpleasant physical symptoms. It is medicine that has benefit for the body, mind and spirit. Being a person who does not take anything on faith, I began to question what that actually meant. What is this "body-mind-spirit" that gets …
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Supportive Yoga Maya with Elizabeth McCarthy
Yoga Maya Pop-up
Monday, June 5th 6:30 - 7:45 pm, Yoga Maya Pop-up on the lawn at Ruscombe (weather permitting). DONATIONS ONLY - With all proceeds going to new bolsters and blocks for Ruscombe Community Hall. Contact Elizabeth McCarthy, LCPC, RYT at (443) 802-8815. emccarthy@thehealingself.comSupportive Yoga Maya for All
Tuesdays, June 20th - July 25th, 2023 6:00 - 7:30 pm Ruscombe Community Hall or …Continue reading about Supportive Yoga Maya with Elizabeth McCarthy